T&T Pro League >

Police vs Central stream and TV listings

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May 19, 202416:00
Police Barracks Ground (Port of Spain)


T&T Pro League Standings

Pos.MannschaftASSUVTEGTTDPLetzte 5
Port of Spain 20 13 5 2 49 21 +28 44 SSSUU
Police 20 12 6 2 43 20 +23 42 SUSUS
3 Defence Force 20 12 4 4 40 20 +20 40 SSSUS
4 Club Sando 20 10 5 5 34 25 +9 35 SVUSS
5 St. Ann's Rangers 20 8 4 8 39 38 +1 28 VSVUV
Phoenix 20 8 3 9 33 37 -4 27 SUVUS
Caledonia AIA 20 6 6 8 32 27 +5 24 VSUSV
Point Fortin 20 6 5 9 26 30 -4 23 VVVVS
9 Prison Service 20 7 1 12 25 37 -12 22 VUVVV
10 Cunupia 20 5 5 10 24 35 -11 20 VUVSS
11 Central 20 0 2 18 13 68 -55 2 VVVVU

Internationale Berichterstattung

Police vs Central Live Stream and TV Listings

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Language: MIME-Version: 1.0 PO-Revision-Date: 2024-05-28 08:41:38+0000 Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; Project-Id-Version: LSTV Desktop X-Generator: TranslateBuddySportsMax AppSportsMax 2
Amerikanischen Samoa-InselnSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
ArubaSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
BahamasSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
BarbadosSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
BermudaSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
KaimaninselnSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
CuraçaoSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
DominicaSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
Dominikanische RepublikSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
Französisch-GuayanaSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
GrenadaSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
GuamSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
GuyanaSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
HaitiSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
JamaikaSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
MartiniqueSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
MontserratSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
Puerto RicoSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
St. Vincent / GrenadinesSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
Trinidad And TobagoSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
Turks And Caicos IslandsSportsMax AppSportsMax 2
Amerikanische JungferninselnSportsMax AppSportsMax 2

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