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Perfil do Autor: Stewart Flaherty

Stewart was born and raised in Middlesbrough, England and has made the United States of America his home since 2006.

He has had a life-long involvement in soccer as a player, fan, journalist and coach. After graduating from Loughborough University with a Master's Degree in Sport Psychology, Stewart moved to the USA to take up a coaching role with Major League Soccer.

Stewart has a passionate interest in all levels of the game. He covers English Premier League, Carling Cup, FA Cup, English Championship, UEFA Champions League, Europa League, international fixtures, Major League Soccer and the Scottish Premier League.

Apart from Live Soccer TV, Stewart has published for eHow, LiveStrong, TrailsTravel, Answerbag, Bleacher Report, ComeOnBoro and is a featured contributor for Fly Me To The Moon, the acclaimed fanzine of Middlesbrough Football Club.

He currently serves as Assistant Mens Soccer coach at Bates College in Maine, as well as serving as a goalkeeper coach with semi-professional outfit the Portland Phoenix, who play in the PDL league, the fourth division of soccer in the United States.

Twitter: stewartflaherty

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